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I offer a variety of life coaching services that will nurture your spirit, help you overcome personal challenges, and allow you to achieve your individual life goals. I cater to each of my client’s personal needs in order to unlock their full potential. Contact me to start your proactive journey today.

Services: Services

Transitioning into Adulthood

Becoming your best self

Do you feel like you're overwhelmed with life and feel the pressure to become successful? My specialization will help guide and inspire you to achieve more of your personal and professional goals. I know what it's like to not have any direction and need help and I know exactly how to assist you on transitioning into Adulthood. Book Online with me now to schedule a session.

Career Coaching

Getting what you're WORTH

This service is a favorite among many of my clients, as it is often times one of the keys to a happier, healthier life. My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. After several sessions, you will become well-versed and confident thriving in the career of your dreams. Call now to schedule a session.

Hearing the voice of God

Guidance & Inspiration

Life throws many surprises at us, and we cannot always predict the outcome of any situation. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn how to hear the voice of God. I will show you amazing techniques that will lead you out of confusion and frustration. In the end, you will be able to hear and know that God is in control because all things are working together for your good. Book your session now.

Character Shaping

First Impressions are everything

I know you've heard of the saying " It's not what you know, but who you know." Your Character can take you places beyond your experience! With my Character shaping sessions, I will coach you on possessing the qualities of a person of integrity and help get you through doors that were once closed.

Money Making Confidence

Six figure courage

I use to think I had to be really smart in order to gain the wealth that makes millions, but that wasn't true. I realized I had to not only be smart, but have the kind of confidence that breakthrough barriers of reaching my full potential. When you sign up for this course I will show you how to overcome fears and possess the kind of confidence that will bring in wealth.

Love After Hurt

Loving the right way

Love can be a beautiful experience, but a heartbreak is one of the most devastating painful events in life. As your coach I will guide you through thought-processing coping skills along with resources to help you overcome and heal.

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